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About The Author

When most girls her age were dreaming of becoming prima ballerinas, Linda had dreams of becoming the next Erma Bombeck, never mind the fact she was a ten-year-old Puerto Rican girl without a long-suffering husband or problems with her plumbing. But fate, (and her mother) had other plans. Instead, Linda became a teenage beauty queen and had minor success as an L.A. model. Forty years later and now more tarnished than her old tiaras, Linda writes from her home in Orange County, California.

Linda’s inspiration for the Middle-Aged Hottie book series came to her in a hot flash. Literally. It also came with weight gain, night sweats, dry skin, and “hide the knives.” And as much as Linda, a former model, likes to think of herself as the original Middle-Aged Hottie, the title of her books series on a woman who faces the challenges of menopause, unless Linda lives to be 114, she’s delusional.

Although Twenty-Ones Trees is fictitious, dissociative amnesia, unfortunately, is not. Linda’s paternal grandmother, much like Savannah in the story, lost all memory of her husband and their four children shortly after the birth of their last child. Unlike Savannah, her grandmother’s memory never returned, and she stayed locked in her adolescent world—and mental institutions—until the day she died, almost sixty years later. Linda’s heartfelt wish is that her grandmother’s memories were of happier times.  

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